Case study

Empowering early-stage company with instant marketing scale

The facts

Scaling marketing output at an incredible pace

To increase their pipeline, generate more business and reach new heights, Legit Security needed the ability to scale their marketing output at an incredible pace. Whilst expanding their internal team, they looked to Bordeaux & Burgundy to provide omni-channel marketing campaigns targeting key markets and verticals to promote their world-leading cybersecurity solutions.

The Challenge

Instant impact without huge costs

A young cybersecurity company had raised funds to enhance its GTM efforts. They had several new marketing initiatives focused on product, new regions and new industry targets. While working on establishing their long-term strategy, they needed instant-impact campaigns that could get their name out there quickly.

The solution

Scalable, efficient campaign output

Within 21 days of our first engagement, we had an omni-channel campaign live and generating leads within the first week. We established CRM best practices, brand parameters and set up new marketing channels. Today we work with this client on all of their marketing initiatives, whilst providing design, operational and strategic support.


Learn from our experience

We keep our finger on the pulse of B2B marketing to ensure our clients, network and friends stay constantly in the know. Whether its the latest technology, the newest controversy or simply sharing great insights, we make sure our audience know about it!

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How we do it

Let us help you with your campaigns, marketing ops, design, copywriting, lead generation, paid performance