
How to Budget for Scaling B2B Marketing in Early-Stage SaaS B2B Companies

Alfie Dawson
Founder & Executive Creative Director
May 21, 2024

For early-stage SaaS B2B companies, effective marketing is essential for scaling, but it must be done judiciously to ensure that limited resources are maximized. Budgeting wisely allows companies to spend strategically rather than reactively, leveraging every dollar towards growth. Here’s how to approach marketing budgeting with an emphasis on strategic allocation and innovative tactics.

1. Strategic Planning: Maximizing Internal Resources

The cornerstone of any successful marketing initiative is strategic planning. For SaaS companies, this means allocating resources in a way that avoids last-minute expenditures which typically carry a premium. Effective planning not only saves money but also allows for better utilization of internal resources.

When you plan ahead, you can schedule campaigns during off-peak times to save costs, allocate internal team members more efficiently, and avoid the need for expensive external consultants or rush charges from vendors. This strategic approach ensures that efforts are not just thrown together but are thoughtfully designed to maximize impact and ROI.

2. Focusing on Core Content and Targeted Advertising

Rather than spreading the budget thin over numerous long-form content pieces, early-stage companies can achieve more by focusing on creating a few high-quality, versatile content assets like whitepapers or industry reports. These core pieces can then be repurposed into multiple smaller pieces (blog posts, infographics, etc.) and supported by targeted advertising campaigns.

By investing in content that addresses specific customer pain points and distributing it through precisely targeted ads, companies can efficiently reach and engage their ideal customers. This approach not only ensures better use of resources but also increases the effectiveness of marketing efforts by delivering relevant content to a well-defined audience.

3. Alternative Audience Engagement Strategies

Traditional methods of reaching audiences, such as sponsoring or exhibiting at industry conferences, can be prohibitively expensive for early-stage companies. An innovative and often less costly strategy is to create parallel events or experiences near these large gatherings.

For example, hosting a satellite workshop or a networking event in a nearby venue can attract conference goers without the hefty price tag of official sponsorship. This method allows companies to engage directly with potential clients in a more intimate setting, making it possible to leave a lasting impression without a massive financial outlay.

4. Exploring Less Saturated Marketing Channels

A common pitfall for many companies is competing in overcrowded channels, where high demand leads to high costs. To optimize the marketing spend, SaaS companies should consider underutilized platforms where the audience is present but not overwhelmed with competitor content.

A practical example of this is Bordeaux & Burgundy's strategy of shifting ad budgets from LinkedIn, a typical B2B marketing platform, to Reddit, which is less utilized for B2B marketing. This move resulted in significantly lower acquisition costs and higher engagement rates, illustrating the benefits of venturing into less saturated channels. By doing so, companies not only save on costs but also tap into new audiences that competitors might overlook.


Budgeting for B2B marketing in the SaaS space requires a mix of strategic planning, focus on impactful content, innovative audience engagement, and the courage to explore less conventional channels. By adopting these principles, early-stage companies can effectively scale their marketing efforts without exhausting their budgets, paving the way for sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

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