
How to Win Your First 50 SaaS Clients

Alfie Dawson
Founder & Executive Creative Director
May 23, 2024

For early-stage SaaS startups, acquiring the first 50 clients is a milestone that can set the foundation for future success. This critical early phase requires strategic marketing practices tailored to building a strong initial client base efficiently and effectively. Here’s how you can achieve this important goal through focused marketing efforts.

1. Researching Target Personas

Understanding who your clients are is the first step in any successful marketing strategy. For SaaS companies, this means conducting detailed research to create accurate target personas. Consider these key factors:

  • Demographics and Firmographics: Identify the age, location, job title, company size, and industry of your potential buyers.
  • Pain Points: What specific problems does your SaaS solution solve? How does it make your customers' lives easier?
  • Buying Behavior: Understand the decision-making process for purchasing software in your target industry.

This foundational step ensures that all your marketing efforts are directed toward the right audience, making each campaign more effective.

2. Creating Long-Form Content to Generate Full Campaigns

Content is king in the digital age, especially for SaaS businesses looking to establish thought leadership and trust. Start by creating a comprehensive long-form piece of content—such as a guide, whitepaper, or an in-depth tutorial—that addresses a major pain point or goal for your target persona. This content can then be repurposed into various formats such as blog posts, infographics, and email series to fuel your marketing campaigns.

3. Opting for Cheaper Marketing Tactics

While platforms like LinkedIn and Google Ads offer powerful targeting capabilities, they can be costly for startups trying to conserve cash. Consider these cost-effective marketing tactics:

  • Social Media Engagement: Use platforms where your target audience is most active, and focus on building relationships rather than direct selling.
  • SEO and Organic Traffic: Invest in search engine optimization to build organic visibility over time, which brings in a steady stream of leads without ongoing costs.
  • Partnerships and Networking: Leverage partnerships with other businesses to share audiences and gain credibility through association.

4. Direct Marketing Mailing to Target Personas with Hand-Written Letters

In an era dominated by digital communications, a direct mail approach can help you stand out. Sending hand-written letters or personalized postcards to potential clients can make a significant impact. This strategy shows potential clients that you value their business enough to put in the extra effort, increasing the likelihood of engaging them.

5. Leveraging Video Content for Engagement

In addition to written content, incorporating video into your marketing strategy can significantly enhance engagement. Videos offer a dynamic way to present information and can humanize your brand by showing real people behind the product. For early-stage SaaS companies, producing high-quality video content need not be expensive or complicated. Simple recordings of presentations via platforms like Google Meet or Zoom can be very effective. These videos can cover product demos, educational webinars, or thought leadership discussions. Even with modest production values, such content is highly engaging and can complement your written materials like blogs and reports. This approach not only diversifies your content but also caters to different learning styles and preferences in your audience, potentially widening your reach and impact.

6. Optimizing Campaign Development Process to Increase Budget Available for Ad Spend

Streamlining your campaign development process can free up more of your budget for ad spend where it's needed most. Consider these optimizations:

  • Automate Repetitive Tasks: Use automation tools for tasks like email marketing, social media posting, and lead tracking.
  • Template Campaign Elements: Develop templates for common campaign elements like emails, landing pages, and call-to-action buttons.
  • Regular Reviews and Adjustments: Regularly review the performance of marketing campaigns and quickly adjust tactics to improve ROI.


Winning your first 50 SaaS clients requires a mix of strategic planning, creative marketing tactics, and efficient process management. By understanding your audience deeply, leveraging content effectively, using cost-efficient marketing strategies, personalizing your outreach, and optimizing your operations, you can build a strong client base that supports sustainable growth. Remember, every interaction counts, and early clients often become long-term advocates for your brand.

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