
The Most Important Thing for a Brand in B2B

Alfie Dawson
Founder & Executive Creative Director
May 21, 2024

In the world of business-to-business (B2B) marketing, brand consistency is paramount. Brands painstakingly develop comprehensive guidelines, brand books, and messaging documents with the goal of ensuring uniformity across all communications. However, a significant challenge persists: these documents are often so intricate and voluminous that they are seldom used to their full potential. The key to unlocking the true power of branding in B2B isn't just in creating these guidelines but ensuring they are practical, accessible, and used consistently.

The Paradox of Brand Guidelines

Brand guidelines are essential tools. They provide a framework that helps businesses maintain consistency in how they present themselves. This consistency is crucial not only for brand recognition but also for building trust with customers. Research indicates that consistent branding across all channels can increase revenue by up to 23%. However, the complexity and sheer volume of these documents can make them daunting for the teams expected to use them.

From Comprehensive to Concise: The Cheat Sheet Solution

The solution lies in simplification. Instead of requiring team members to wade through hundreds of pages of brand guidelines, companies can distill these into easy-to-digest cheat sheets. These cheat sheets should highlight the most critical elements of the brand's visual and communication style—think logos, color palettes, typography, and key messaging. The idea is to transform the full guidelines into a quick reference tool that anyone in the organization can use at a moment's notice.

For example, a global marketing firm found that by condensing their 250-page brand guideline into a 10-page cheat sheet, the usage of the guidelines increased by over 60%. The cheat sheet allowed employees to quickly ensure alignment with the brand's core elements, significantly reducing deviations in branding efforts.

Leveraging Technology: Templates and Tools

In addition to creating cheat sheets, technology can play a pivotal role in the practical application of brand guidelines. Digital templates for documents, presentations, and even email signatures can be pre-designed to meet brand standards. These templates can be shared across the organization, ensuring that every piece of communication is consistent with the brand’s identity.

A technology company reported a notable improvement in brand consistency after implementing a suite of customizable templates for their sales and marketing teams. These templates not only saved time but also minimized the risk of off-brand content creation, which is often the source of that "one bad post" which can undermine months of brand-building efforts.

Consistency: The Cornerstone of Branding

Consistency in branding is about more than just looking the same across all platforms. It's about being reliable in your brand's promise and values, no matter where or how customers interact with your brand. Every touchpoint is an opportunity to build trust. An inconsistent brand, on the other hand, risks confusing its audience and eroding that trust.

In fact, studies have shown that it's often not about making your best work better but about raising the standard of your baseline work. A single off-brand message or poorly designed advertisement can undo the impact of many successful campaigns. Thus, the focus should be on making every piece of content—from the monumental to the mundane—reinforce the brand’s core message.


In the B2B sector, where decisions are heavily researched and considered, the consistency of your brand could be the deciding factor for potential clients. Simplifying the way brand guidelines are delivered and used—through cheat sheets and templated solutions—ensures that these guidelines are not just a formality but a functional asset to the business. As brands strive for greater market share and client engagement, the clarity and consistency of their messaging become their strongest ally. Remember, in branding, sometimes the most important step is making sure your worst is as good as your best.

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