
What Do B2B Buyers Care About? The Human Connection

Alfie Dawson
Founder & Executive Creative Director
May 21, 2024

Understanding B2B buyers is paramount in crafting effective marketing strategies. However, it's crucial to remember that B2B buyers, like all of us, are fundamentally human. Their purchasing decisions, though framed by data and business needs, are also influenced by the same human factors that affect personal buying behaviors, such as trust, personalization, and peer opinions. Let’s explore what B2B buyers care about, using real-world statistics to underscore these points, and draw parallels between personal buying experiences and B2B transactions.

1. Trust and Credibility

Just as trust is essential in personal relationships, it is foundational in B2B transactions. Trust in B2B isn’t just about believing that the product will arrive on time or as described; it’s about trusting that the partnership will add value to the business and that the vendor will provide ongoing support and integrity throughout the relationship. According to Salesforce, 95% of customers are more likely to be loyal to a company they trust, emphasizing how critical it is for B2B marketers to build and maintain trust through transparent and consistent communication.

2. Personalized Experiences

In our personal lives, we appreciate when someone remembers our preferences or goes out of their way to accommodate our unique needs—this desire for personalized interaction extends into the B2B realm as well. A Demand Gen Report highlights that 76% of B2B buyers expect more personalized attention from providers. In B2B marketing, personalization involves understanding the buyer’s business challenges and tailoring communications to address these specific points, much like adapting a conversation in a personal setting to engage an individual based on their interests and concerns.

3. Peer Recommendations and Reviews

Just as we often turn to friends or family for recommendations on personal purchases, B2B buyers rely heavily on the opinions and experiences of peers. A study by G2 Crowd and Heinz Marketing revealed that 92% of B2B buyers are more likely to purchase after reading a trusted review. In the B2B space, marketers can leverage this by facilitating and showcasing customer testimonials, case studies, and peer reviews, effectively using social proof to influence decision-making.

4. Comprehensive and Accessible Information

When making personal decisions, such as purchasing a new home appliance, we seek out detailed information to ensure it meets our needs. Similarly, B2B buyers need access to thorough and easily digestible information to navigate their buying journey and to justify their decisions to other stakeholders. According to Google, 89% of B2B researchers use the internet during their research process, and a substantial portion reviews multiple content pieces before engaging with a sales representative. Marketers must focus on creating clear, detailed content that answers potential buyers' critical questions.

5. Efficiency and Convenience

Efficiency and convenience are valued in both our personal and professional lives. In a personal context, we might choose a shopping platform based on its ease of use or the speed of delivery. Similarly, B2B buyers look for efficiency in purchasing processes, product implementation, and the ongoing management of their business solutions. Streamlining these processes can significantly enhance the attractiveness of a B2B offering.


Recognizing the human aspects behind B2B purchasing decisions can significantly enhance how marketers approach their audience. By understanding that B2B buyers are influenced by the same types of considerations that affect personal buying decisions—such as trust, personal connections, advice from peers, the need for comprehensive information, and the value of convenience—marketers can better connect with and engage their audience, leading to more effective and successful B2B marketing strategies.

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